Friday, June 1, 2007

Objectives of Madhwa Yuva Parishat

Madhwa Yuva Parishat

MYP is a conglomeration of all Active Madhwa youth groups working in Bangalore. Our main motto is to spread the rich philosophy and ethnicity of Sri Madhwacharya to the present youth and carry it on to the next generation.

Objectives Of MYP

1. Create an opportunity to learn Madhwa Siddhantha & Tatvavada and propagate the same to Madhwa Community.
Activities - Shastra Adhyayana, Pravachanas, Bhajanes, Sanskrit classes, Worskshops, Seminars, Quiz/competitions, cultural programs, Awareness Programs, Questionnaires, Handouts, Publications etc more targeted to youth & children.

2. Construct and enhance a strong Madhwa network in general, youth in particular.
Activities - Bhajanes,Vayustuti Purashcharane, Grama Pradakshine, Quarterly group meet, Family get togethers to understand the needs, aspiration of Group members, explore Job Opportunities, Matrimony, workshop on Ladies specific activities.

3. Conduct Yatre and offer an opportunity to all the Madhwas, to visit our holy places at nominal costs with zero burden on logistic arrangements. Prepare travelogues / reports / Roadmaps/ of each yatre and spread the awareness to Madhwa community for their further utility.

4. Care for deserving Madhwa students, Unemployed youth, Madhwa Vidyapeeta / Institutions/ Organizations, etc in fulfilling their needs.
Activities - Coaching classes, career counseling, book bank, Scholarships.

5. Come up with MYP website which would promote eLearning and serve as a repository of information related to tatvavada.
Contents - Information on religious places, Madhwa/Mutt parampare, Achara-Vichara, Dasa Sahitya, understand the Madhwa Siddhantha in the perspective of SCIENCE, create "Madhwapedia" , which is going to be a One Stop Solution for Madhwa siddhantha related queries, information and ji~naases

Visit us on Yahoo Groups page

To Join : Send an email to the following address & you are done!

Website : –


padmanabha rao said...

It is great idea behind your efforts. May I congratulate on you. In addition to highlight the teachings of Acharya and his disciples, you can please educate the peethadhipatis, who never care about the welfare of our minority community. They have failed to stop inter caste marriages, instead they have blessed them. Most of us do not depend on them for a living. Can you please tell me one good reason why we need them now?

padmanabha rao said...

One more comment
I had very bitter experience with swamijis from my childhood. They discouraged me or rather insulted me. One incident. In 1979 March I went to Uttaradi Mutt. It was only a customary visit. But Vidvan D. Pahladacharya stooped me at the door as if I had gone there for food. Many instances like this. All Madhvas do not visit Mutt for food.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Paddy, well, on such occassions we must recollect the treatment metted to our dear Shree Rayaru by jealous brahmins.

What followed it then, they paid a price for their misdeed.

It is easier said than done, it is very human to be annoyed, but again we have to practice making concious effort to recollect such incidents.

The insult faced by Draupadi, the troubles inflicted on our dear Prahalada, and many such countless examples described in Srimad Bhagawatham.

Lord Krishna Himself is accused of stealing Shamanthakamani.

Such acts should not seem new or surprising Mr. Paddy.

I hope i was able to ease your disappointment.

Hari Sarvottama

Vayu Jeevottama

padmanabha rao said...

Thank you for your kind words. Many instances are there to mention or quote. What I mean to say is we are a minority community than any other. Still, we are divided badly on Mutt affiliations. I dont say this is bad, it the wish of people who trust or follow. But it is very annoying to know what is happening in some Mutts, like looting public money. Look at other communities. THey are politically powered. WE are very much behind in progress. No one takes this seriously. WE are crippled though we have some businessmen, ministers. powerful swamijis.... thats the tragedy of Madhwa Society. We are too good at pointing Tatvic differences with Advaita and other schools of thought.

Srivathsa said...

I have a question about madwa philosophy
1) for madwas there are 5 bedas
*)jiva -jiva
*)jiswara-jada and jiva-jada
BUT TODAYS SCIENCE HAVE PROVED THAT THERE IS NO JADA-JADA BEDA…..i:e according to madhvaacharya ,gold can never become silver….but todays science have proved that by changing electronics configuration we can change gold to silver….WHICH ACCORDING TO MADHVAACHARYA IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!!…because nothing,or jada loose their prakruthika guna according to madhvacharya,….
2)jiva-jiva beda:
accoring to dvaita each jiva is suguna and his prakrutika gunas are his own gunas.
1)me myself, i am human i see another human in kama,but if i become dog in next janma,i see dog with kama… prakruthika guna kama is not atmans guna
2) bhudhi:
now when we are human we have high level of bhudhi,but if i become dog in next janma we have bhudhi of the level of dog,so budhi is not atmas guna
if u go on thinking like that u will come to know that ,these gunas atman got from MAYA of jagath..and is not atmans guna ….so atman is nirgua and jagath is maya…………so madwaacharya’s jath is truth and 5 bedas are false…….

Srivathsa said...

ultimate knowledge is sacchidaanada. sacchidaananda is the personality(swarupa) of brahman….which means …..
sat(always present)….chit(consiousness)……anadnda(bliss) …..when you experience…..this ananda(bliss)…….that means your personality have become equal to sacchidaanada….in that state you have become sacchidaanada swarupi…..or in other words… have become sacchidaanada rupi brahman …..which is the ultimate knowledge….as vedas says…..
so….you yourself…..have become sacchidaanada….or YOU HAVE BECOME BRAHMAN ,which is ultimate knowledge….thats why vedas say…..prajgnam brahm….or brahman is knowledge…..and you are brahman…….(aham brahmamaasmi)……this is in breaf……the essence of jgnana yoga….