Friday, October 19, 2007

Vijaya Dasami - Shri Madhva Jayanthi - Shri Dhanvathari Nidhi

Hare Srinivasa,namaskAra

Navarathri Greetings to all madhva bandhus.Navarathri is an auspicious season to worship Lord Srinivasa, LordVedavyasa, Goddess Durga, and Shri Acharya Madhva.

Tomorrow(Saturday 20th October) is mahanavami- Ayudha Pooja,worshipping Goddess Durga in all the instruments & machinery.Sunday(21st October) is Viajadasami- one of the "siddha Muhurtha" day,the best & most auspicious day for anyone, starting any new ventures,satkarya, dana or any other activities for Sadhana. It is also thebirth day of our revered Acharya - Jagadguru Shri Madhaananda TheerthaBhagavathpadaru. Let us all try to celebrate these days in moremeaningful way, by various satkaryas, as much as possible.

As a token of our seva to Shri Acharya, on this auspicious day, wewould like to launch "Shri Dhanvanthari Nidhi"- A nidhi dedicated forproviding financial assistance to the students of vidyapeeta (learningmadhva shastra in any Vidyapeeta / gurukula in any part of the country)in case of any medical emergency to them or to their parents.

As you know most of the students in the Vidyapeeta are not in a goodposition financially, and any major medical treatment would be reallyan 'impossible' case for them. These students are dedicating their lifefor upholding Shri Acharya's teachings and is it not our duty to helpthem a little during their bad time??. For instanced, few months backthere was request to help a student for his mother's cancer operation.By Lord's grace, madhva bhandus from all corners generously contributedto help that student. But is it possible everytime? Can we not think ofsome better way to manage such crises.???.... Some of our volunteersthought of creating a permanent solution for such emergencies insteadof “fire fighting" in the last moment and came up with the plan ofestablishing "Shri Dhanvanthari Nidhi.”

A team of trustees & volunteers would manage the Nidhi. Shri HaridasaBhat, Principal, Poornaprajna Vidyapeeta would be leading the team andtake care of the Nidhi management. The team would like to establish acorpus fund of Rs 5.00 Lakh to take care of medical emergencies ofstudents and their dependents. With the generous contribution andstrong support from all of you, we would like to extend the same to thedeserving pandits, Achars and archakas in the coming days.

By Lord's grace, most of us are in a better position and can afford tospare few rupees to help those students in the Vidyapeeta who aretorchbearers of Shri Acharya's teachings. I would like to request allof you to volunteer for contributing to this Nidhi on the auspiciousday of Shri Madhva Jayanthi. A monthly contribution of Rs 10 / 25 / 50from each one would really a big help to us and we can realise ourdream in no time. You are also most welcome for one time lump sumdonation, in the name of your nearer / dearer.

We will provide further details about bank account etc shortly. Irequest all of you to pledge for monthly contribution, whatever thelittle may be. As "each drop together makes Ocean", a heartfeltcontribution from each one of us would go a long way in providing helpto vidyapeeta students.

On this occasion of Shri VyasaPooja, Shri Srinivasa Kalyana, DurgaPooja, Shamee Pooja, Shri Madhva Jayanthi, let us all pray LordVedavyasa, Goddess Durga, Shri Acharya to bless us with more strength (thanu, mana, dhana) to get involved more and more in satkaryas and helpour madhva bhandus, and thus worship Lord.

Your valuable suggestions are most welcome.Please reply back to participate in the "Shri Dhanvanthari Nidhi"
B.Gopalakrishna Varna

PS: Probably some of you may see this email after Vijaya Dasami, butstill is not late. Monday is Ekadashi, Tuesday is Dwadashi- beginningof Dvidala vratha, the last vratha of the Chaturmasa - most auspiciousdays for any satkarya, and you are most welcome to pledge yourcontribution.

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